Our Affiliates
A Consortium of Quality
Whatever your particular need, PBM has access to the best minds and facilities available. We have the ability to provide a team of pathology professionals ready to meet the challenges your case presents, no matter how complex. We partner with recognized leaders in a wide range of disciplines. We dig deep to give you the best possible science, so that you can give your patient the highest level of treatment available.
A Patient-Centric Model
PBM partners with industry innovators like medfusion. medfusion puts the focus precisely where it belongs – on the patient. The result is a more targeted diagnostic process and improved patient care. PBM also works in close collaboration with ClearPoint Diagnostic Laboratories, who offer area physicians local access to high quality service, fast turnaround times and strict safeguards to deliver accurate results.
To find out more about our affiliates, click on the links below:
Med Fusion: http://www.medfusionservices.com/
ClearPoint: http://clearpointlabs.com/